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SCHURTER - Your Reliable Partner

A globally successful Swiss technology business.

SCHURTER Group locations

20 companies in 17 countries belong to the SCHURTER Group, 13 companies of which have their own production sites. This ensures that all major markets can be served by their own companies.

SCHURTER Holding AG is headquartered in Lucerne (Switzerland)

We develop, manufacture, and distribute our products in factories in Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic, China, France, India, Romania, the UK, and the Netherlands. Further important distribution branches are in the USA, Sweden, Italy, and Singapore.

Representatives in about 60 countries and more than 200 distributors guarantee SCHURTER’s international presence.

We make every effort to contribute, through high-quality products and outstanding customer service, to our customer's success. We at SCHURTER are proud to list the following companies (and many more) who are among our partners.

Find out more about our different locations around the globe

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